Addition and subtraction - Add by making 10 - Worksheet

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Add by making 10 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet in question is an educational resource aimed at teaching children the concept of addition by making 10 first, which is a foundational strategy in arithmetic. The children are provided with pictorial images and clues on a number line to assist them in understanding the process. They are then tasked with filling in the missing numbers to complete the number sentences. The exercises involve scenarios where children, such as Jasmine, have a certain number of sweets and receive more from Ralph, prompting them to calculate the total number of sweets by first making 10 and then adding the remainder.

Further activities on the worksheet include completing a part-whole model and number sentences, as well as using a tens frame to visually represent the answer to the calculations. The worksheet is designed to enhance fluency and precision in mathematical operations. Example problems, such as "Jasmine has 9 sweets and Ralph gives her 8 more sweets," guide the children to add by making 10, followed by adding the remaining amount to reach the final sum. The worksheet also provides a number line to help visualise the addition process, reinforcing the concept that combining numbers to reach a ten before adding the rest is an effective strategy for addition.

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