Addition and subtraction - Add by making 10 - Starter

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Add by making 10 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In this engaging mathematics session for Year 2 pupils, the focus is on enhancing addition and subtraction skills by exploring the concept of making 10. The lesson commences with a 'Fluent in Four' revision activity, where children are encouraged to practise their mental arithmetic through a series of quick-fire questions. The main activity of the day involves using a place value chart and hands-on materials such as cubes or counters to aid in understanding and completing calculations. Pupils are prompted to identify number bonds represented in visual aids and to perform addition by making 10, as well as to solve problems like 'One more than 10 add 4 ones'.

As the lesson progresses, children are tasked with calculating sums such as 9 plus 11, using concrete materials to represent tens and ones, which helps to solidify their grasp of place value. The activity also includes counting red and yellow counters, combining them to find the total, and expressing the result as an addition sentence. To deepen understanding, students are invited to discover related number bonds and to calculate halves of given numbers, applying their knowledge of division by two. The lesson is structured to build confidence in basic arithmetic and to promote a hands-on, interactive approach to learning fundamental mathematical concepts.

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