Addition and subtraction - Add by making 10 - Planning

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Add by making 10 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The lesson plan for Year 2 students during Autumn's second week of addition and subtraction focuses on the strategy of 'Add by making 10'. This foundational mathematical concept is taught using a variety of resources, including differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, ten frames with counters, part-whole models, and number lines. Key vocabulary such as 'addition', 'counting on', 'partition', and 'number bond' is introduced and reinforced throughout the lesson. Students begin by recapping prior knowledge of adding numbers within 20 and using number bonds to 10. They are encouraged to use practical tools like ten frames and number lines to visualise the process of making 10 and then adding the remaining amount. This hands-on approach aids in transitioning from concrete to mental strategies for addition.

The class is structured with a series of activities that gradually build upon each other. Initially, children are shown how to partition numbers such as in the example 7 + 5, where they fill a ten frame with 7 counters and then add 5 more, partitioning the 5 into 3 to complete the ten frame and leaving 2 counters over, to make a total of 12. This visual demonstration is followed by partner work and practical activities that encourage discussion and problem-solving. As they progress, children use their understanding of number bonds to partition numbers and add efficiently. The lesson concludes with reasoning and problem-solving tasks that challenge students to apply what they've learned in various scenarios. The 'Give me five' reflection activity prompts students to consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, what they found tricky, what helped them, and what they will remember for future lessons. Differentiated learning outcomes are provided for students working towards expected levels and those capable of greater depth, ensuring all students are supported in their understanding of adding by making 10.

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