Addition and subtraction - Add by making 10 - Presentation

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Add by making 10 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The 'Add by Making 10' lesson is a part of the mathematics curriculum that focuses on enhancing students' addition skills by using the 'make 10' strategy. This method leverages students' knowledge of number bonds to 10, which are pairs of numbers that add up to 10. The lesson starts with a discussion about these number bonds, asking students to recall all possible combinations. The lesson then progresses to practical activities where students apply this strategy to solve addition problems. For example, Leanna demonstrates how to use 10 frames to add 6 and 7 by partitioning the number 7 into 4 and 3, thus making a full 10 and then adding the remaining 3 to reach the final sum.

Further activities involve the use of both 10 frames and number lines to solidify the concept. Students are encouraged to partition numbers in various ways to simplify the addition process and reach 10 as an intermediary step. For instance, Malachi uses a number line to add 6 and 8 by breaking the number 8 into two 4s, making it easier to see the additive steps. The lesson includes reasoning exercises where students evaluate different methods of partitioning to find the most efficient strategy. Additionally, independent work challenges students to solve problems using the 'Add by Making 10' method, demonstrating their understanding through calculations, number line representations, and part-whole models. The lesson concludes with a discussion that prompts students to reflect on how partitioning and number bonds to 10 aid in the addition process.

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