Geometry Shape - Recognise and name 3D shapes - Starter

Year 1
Geometry Shape - Recognise and name 3D shapes - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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During a Year 1 mathematics lesson in the autumn term, children engage in a 'Fluent in Four' revision activity to consolidate their understanding of basic arithmetic and 3D shapes. The session begins with a hands-on task where each child is provided with 10 counters to help them visualise and solve simple calculations. One of the exercises includes finding half of 10 and then adding 4 to this amount, allowing the students to apply their knowledge of halving and addition in a practical context. The activity is designed to be interactive and accessible, making use of physical counters to enhance the learning experience for young students.

As part of the same session, the children are also presented with a problem-solving scenario involving two baskets of pears. They are encouraged to determine which basket contains a greater number of pears and to express their findings using a calculation and an inequality symbol, thus introducing them to the concept of comparing quantities. Additionally, the lesson includes a pattern continuation exercise where students use their counters to identify and extend number sequences, further developing their numerical reasoning skills. This type of activity not only reinforces their arithmetic abilities but also introduces foundational concepts in understanding inequalities and patterns.

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