Geometry Shape - Recognise and name 3D shapes - Planning

Year 1
Geometry Shape - Recognise and name 3D shapes - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the initial week of Autumn term for Year 1, students embark on a journey into the world of geometry, specifically learning to recognise and name 3-D shapes. The National Curriculum objectives set the stage for children to identify common 2-D shapes like circles, triangles, and rectangles, as well as 3-D shapes such as pyramids, spheres, and cuboids. Key vocabulary terms for the unit include '3-D', 'three dimensional', 'orientation', and names of various shapes, which are crucial for understanding the properties and differences between these geometric figures. To reinforce this new vocabulary, the lesson plan suggests using resources like differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, and a selection of physical 3-D shapes. Additionally, everyday objects that correspond to these shapes are incorporated to provide tangible examples, enhancing the children's grasp of three-dimensional concepts.

The lesson's structure includes a starter activity that prompts quick recall of number bonds to 10, followed by class teaching input where children explore the 3-D shapes in various orientations. This helps them to not only recognise the shapes but also understand the 2-D shapes that make up the faces of the 3-D figures. Independent learning activities encourage children to match everyday objects to their geometric counterparts and to discuss the similarities and differences among the shapes. The plenary session involves a 'Give me five' reflection where students consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging. They also make a 'pinkie promise' to remember key aspects of the lesson. Differentiated learning outcomes are provided, with varying levels of support and complexity, to ensure that all students, whether working towards expected standards or at greater depth, can confidently recognise and name 3-D shapes by the end of the lesson.

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