Geometry Shape - Recognise and name 3D shapes - Worksheet

Year 1
Geometry Shape - Recognise and name 3D shapes - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The educational resource focuses on the recognition and naming of common 3D shapes, a fundamental concept in the Year 6 geometry curriculum. Students are introduced to a variety of three-dimensional shapes such as cuboids (which include cubes), cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres. The lesson plan emphasises the importance of viewing these shapes from different orientations to deepen understanding. Additionally, students are encouraged to think about the 2D shapes that make up the faces of these 3D figures. This foundational knowledge prepares them for later exploration of 2D shapes. The lesson is supported by differentiated worksheets, visual teaching slides, and a hands-on selection of 3D shapes. Key vocabulary includes terms like '3D', 'orientation', 'face', and the names of the shapes themselves.

As part of the learning process, students are asked to count and name the shapes, with the aid of a shape mat for visual reference. The worksheets are designed to cater to different levels of proficiency: from those just starting to recognise shapes, to those who can identify them in various positions and orientations without assistance. Reasoning and problem-solving tasks further challenge students to deduce hidden shapes based on partial information or to consider which shapes would be most stable as the base of a tower. These activities not only test their recognition skills but also their ability to apply logical reasoning and their understanding of shape properties in practical scenarios.

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