Geometry Shape - Recognise and name 3D shapes - Presentation

Year 1
Geometry Shape - Recognise and name 3D shapes - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The presentation is an educational resource aimed at helping students recognise and name various three-dimensional (3D) shapes. The lesson begins by prompting students to recall what a 3D shape is and to try naming some they are already familiar with. The class is then engaged in a discussion about the characteristics that define 3D shapes. Following this, a series of activities are introduced to reinforce the learning objectives. In the first activity, students are shown images of common 3D shapes such as cones, cylinders, pyramids, cuboids, spheres, and cubes, and are encouraged to identify these shapes within their classroom environment.

Subsequent activities involve matching exercises where students pair shapes with their corresponding names, and identification tasks where they circle cubes and tick pyramids among a group of shapes. To further apply their knowledge, students count different 3D shapes in a scenario where a character named Zach empties out building blocks. Reasoning exercises challenge students to deduce the 3D shape from its shadow or from a partially obscured view, promoting critical thinking. The lesson concludes with an independent task where students create their own models using various shapes and count the number of each shape used. Throughout the lesson, discussion points encourage students to think about the properties of 3D shapes, such as whether a pyramid is still a pyramid if its point is not at the top or if a shape changes when turned around.

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