Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes - Worksheet

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

This worksheet is designed to help children understand the concept of parts and wholes through practical and visual exercises. Initially, children are asked to gather five cubes and use them to explore the idea of grouping objects. They are encouraged to physically manipulate the cubes, dividing them into two groups and drawing the results. This hands-on approach aids in grasping the foundational principles of addition and subtraction within 10.

In a further exercise, children are presented with a 'whole group' consisting of four children named Tia, Mal, Zach, and Esin. The task is to split this whole into two parts, writing the names in separate circles to form two distinct groups. This activity is repeated with the objective of creating different group combinations, prompting the children to consider whether the groups have an equal number of children. The worksheet provides examples of how the children's names can be divided into groups, offering a clear illustration of the various ways parts can make up a whole. This exercise not only reinforces the concept of parts and wholes but also introduces the children to the idea of equal and unequal groups, laying the groundwork for more complex mathematical concepts.

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