Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes single objects - Planning

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes single objects - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the initial stages of Year 1 mathematics, students delve into the foundational concepts of addition and subtraction within 10. The National Curriculum objectives for this unit include understanding and using number bonds, interpreting mathematical statements with addition, subtraction, and equals signs, and solving problems using concrete objects and pictorial representations. The key vocabulary introduced includes terms like 'part', 'whole', 'groups', and 'part-whole model', which are essential for grasping the relationship between numbers and their components. The lesson plan encourages the use of counters to help visualise these concepts and incorporates a variety of resources to support learning.

The lesson begins with a discussion on the concept of 'whole', using images to aid understanding, and then transitions to identifying 'parts', such as a piece of chocolate or a page in a book. During the activities, children explore grouping objects, such as sweets in a jar, to recognise the whole and its parts. They use counters to physically separate objects into groups, enhancing their comprehension of partitioning numbers. The lesson also includes a reflective exercise where students evaluate what they've learned, the skills they've used, and any challenges they faced. Differentiated activities cater to varying levels of understanding, with some children using practical equipment, while others are encouraged to draw and find multiple ways to group numbers, aiming for a greater depth of knowledge.

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