Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes single objects - Starter

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes single objects - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the first week of the Autumn Term's fifth week, Year 1 students are presented with a series of engaging activities to revise addition and subtraction within 10, focusing on understanding parts and wholes of single objects. To start, each child is equipped with 10 counters to aid in their calculations. The 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise challenges students with simple arithmetic problems such as finding half of eight plus nine and adding four and six. These exercises are designed to reinforce their numerical fluency and comprehension of basic mathematical operations.

The lesson also incorporates critical thinking and comparison tasks. Students are asked to identify similarities between different animals, spot the odd one out in a series, and determine which letter on a number line is closest to a given number, such as 8 or 7. These tasks not only solidify their understanding of numerical order and value but also encourage them to think of multiple answers and justify their reasoning. For example, they may have to explain why a particular shape or colour is the odd one out among a set of objects. This approach to learning maths blends computational skills with analytical thinking, fostering a deeper grasp of the concepts involved.

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