Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes single objects - Presentation

Year 1
Addition and subtraction within 10 - Parts and wholes single objects - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The first lesson in a series on addition and subtraction within 10 focuses on the concept of parts and wholes using single objects. Students are encouraged to think about what constitutes a whole and its constituent parts. Through interactive discussions, they are introduced to the idea of a single object being a whole and how it can be divided into parts. This foundational understanding is crucial for grasping the basics of addition and subtraction, as it helps children visualise how numbers can be broken down and recombined.

As the lesson progresses, students engage in various activities designed to reinforce their understanding of parts and wholes. They are tasked with identifying wholes and parts in different scenarios and are prompted to think about the various ways in which a whole can be split into two groups. These activities encourage students to explore the relationship between addition and subtraction in a tangible way, using small objects such as counters or cubes. Towards the end of the lesson, the children are given independent work where they draw and group objects, and even arrange themselves into groups, thereby applying their learning in a practical context.

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