Place Value - PowerPoint

Year 3
Place Value - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a comprehensive set of teaching resources designed for Year 3 students, the concept of place value is explored in depth. The materials begin by introducing the basics of one-digit numbers, explaining that each is made up of a certain number of ones. The resources then progress to illustrate how ten ones make a 'ten', and subsequently delve into the composition of two-digit numbers, which consist of tens and ones. The presentation breaks down two-digit numbers into their individual tens and ones, using visual aids to help children understand the value of each digit within a number.

Building on this foundation, the resources advance to three-digit numbers, which include hundreds, tens, and ones. Through clear visual representations and interactive activities, students learn to identify the value of each digit depending on its position in a three-digit number. For example, in the number 127, the digit 1 represents one hundred, the digit 2 represents two tens, and the digit 7 represents seven ones. Worksheets and exercises are provided to reinforce the concept of place value, asking students to determine the value of underlined digits in various numbers and to construct numbers from their separate parts. These teaching tools are designed to cement the students' understanding of how the position of a digit affects its value within a number.

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