Place Value - Worksheet

Year 3
Place Value - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Place value is a fundamental concept in mathematics that is explored through a series of worksheets aimed at enhancing students' understanding of the numerical value of digits in different positions within a number. The first worksheet presents base ten blocks and asks students to discern the numbers they represent, fostering a visual appreciation of units, tens, and hundreds. A subsequent worksheet challenges students to identify the specific value of underlined digits within various numbers, thereby reinforcing their grasp of how place value contributes to a number's overall worth. Students are required to provide their answers in both numeral form and written words to ensure a comprehensive understanding.

Further worksheets delve into the construction of numbers from separate parts, asking students to piece together hundreds, tens, and ones to form complete figures. Another task involves a series of questions where students must ascertain the value of highlighted digits within different numbers, with an example provided to guide them. The answers to these questions are given, allowing students to check their work and understand the correct values. The final worksheet in the series once again asks students to determine the value of underlined digits, with the answers available to verify their responses. All these worksheets serve as practical tools for solidifying students' knowledge of place value, an essential skill for their mathematical development.

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