Place Value - Worksheet

Year 4
Place Value - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The Place Value Worksheet is a comprehensive tool designed to help students understand the fundamental concept of place value in numbers. The worksheet is divided into sections, each focusing on breaking down numbers into their constituent parts: thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones. One of the initial exercises includes a list of numbers that students are required to deconstruct. For example, the number 2357 is broken down into 2000 (thousands), 300 (hundreds), 50 (tens), and 7 (ones). Students are provided with several other numbers to practice this skill, ensuring they grasp the concept of identifying the value of each digit in a number based on its position.

Further sections of the worksheet challenge students to identify the value of specific digits within a number. For instance, they are asked to state the value of the digit 6 in a given number, with the correct answer being 600, highlighting the digit's value in the hundreds place. The worksheet progresses to exercises where students must determine the value of underlined digits in various numbers, reinforcing their ability to recognise place value in different contexts. Additionally, the worksheet includes questions that prompt students to construct numbers from given thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones, as well as to identify the value of digits in a sequence of numbers. This comprehensive approach ensures that students develop a strong understanding of place value, which is essential for their mathematical proficiency.

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