Place Value - PowerPoint

Year 4
Place Value - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation for Year 4 students, the concept of place value is meticulously unpacked, beginning with the very basics of what digits are. It explains that all numbers are composed of digits, which range from 0 to 9. The presentation then delves into the structure of three-digit numbers, illustrating how they consist of hundreds, tens, and ones, using the number 284 as an example. It breaks down the number into its constituent parts: 200 (hundreds), 80 (tens), and 4 (ones), providing a clear and concise understanding of how to read and partition three-digit numbers.

Building on this foundation, the lesson advances to four-digit numbers, which include thousands in addition to hundreds, tens, and ones. The number 2479 is used to demonstrate this concept, showing that it can be partitioned into 2000 (thousands), 400 (hundreds), 70 (tens), and 9 (ones). The presentation emphasises the importance of place value, which dictates the value of a digit based on its position in a number. To solidify their understanding, students are given worksheets where they break down numbers into their respective place values and determine the value of specific digits within those numbers. Through interactive activities and games, the lesson engages students in a practical application of place value concepts, ensuring a thorough grasp of the topic.

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