Max Maths, Year 6, Work Book, Multiplying near multiples of 10

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Work Book, Multiplying near multiples of 10
Max Maths
Max Maths
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The Max Maths Year 6 Workbook offers a section dedicated to multiplying near multiples of 10, providing students with an opportunity to practise and enhance their multiplication skills. Practice 6 includes a series of exercises designed to challenge students in performing calculations with numbers that are close to multiples of 10. The first task requires students to show their working out as they multiply pairs of numbers. Examples include multiplying 31 by 82, 26 by 49, 29 by 62, and 43 by 21. This exercise is intended to help students become proficient in handling larger numbers and understanding the concept of near multiples.

The workbook also encourages mental arithmetic with a set of problems that students are to solve in their heads, multiplying numbers such as 21 by 53, 46 by 19, and several other combinations. These exercises are designed to build speed and accuracy in mental calculations. Additionally, real-world applications of multiplication are presented, such as calculating the total contribution to a charity by 29 learners at 85 cents each and determining the total amount a teacher needs to add to reach $25. Another practical example asks students to work out the total capacity of 23 coaches, each holding 49 people, thereby illustrating how multiplication is used in planning and logistics. These varied tasks help to solidify the students' understanding of multiplication in both abstract and concrete terms.