Max Maths, Year 6, Practice, Multiplying near multiples of 10

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Practice, Multiplying near multiples of 10
Max Maths
Max Maths
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Max Maths Year 6 provides a practical approach to multiplying numbers that are near multiples of 10. For example, to multiply 41 by 47 mentally, we can simplify the process by recognizing that 41 is just one more than 40. Thus, we calculate 40 times 47 and then add one lot of 47 to the result. This method breaks down the multiplication into easier steps: 41 multiplied by 47 equals (40 times 47) plus (1 times 47), which simplifies to 1,880 plus 47, giving us a total of 1,927.

Similarly, when multiplying 29 by 65, we note that 29 is one less than 30. We can multiply 30 by 65 and then subtract one lot of 65 from the result. This technique allows for quick mental calculation: 29 times 65 equals (30 times 65) minus (1 times 65), which simplifies to 1,950 minus 65, resulting in 1,885. The practice exercises encourage students to apply this mental strategy to various problems, such as multiplying 19 by 32 or 31 by 53, by adjusting the numbers to nearby multiples of 10 and then compensating accordingly. This method not only simplifies the multiplication process but also enhances mental arithmetic skills.