Max Maths, Year 6, Learn together, Multiplying near multiples of 10 (2)

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Learn together, Multiplying near multiples of 10 (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In an engaging lesson from Max Maths for Year 6 students, the focus is on the mental multiplication of numbers close to multiples of 10. The technique taught involves adjusting one of the numbers to a nearby multiple of 10, performing the multiplication, and then correcting the result by adding or subtracting the difference. For example, when multiplying 41 by 47, since 41 is one more than 40, the calculation is split into two parts: 40 times 47, plus 1 times 47. The sum of these two calculations, 1,880 plus 47, gives the correct answer of 1,927.

Another example provided is the multiplication of 29 by 65. Here, 29 is one less than 30, so the students are shown how to calculate 30 times 65 and then subtract 1 times 65. This method yields the result of 1,885. To practice this mental multiplication strategy, students are given a series of problems such as 19 times 32, 31 times 53, and several others, encouraging them to apply the same technique. They are directed to workbook pages 79 to 80 for additional practice exercises, which further reinforce their understanding and fluency in mentally multiplying near multiples of 10.