How have toys changed over the years? - Lesson 1

How have toys changed over the years? - Lesson 1
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The evolution of toys over the years is a fascinating topic, explored in a lesson that encourages students to investigate the playthings of past generations. The lesson begins with an interactive element, inviting grandparents to share photographs or actual toys from their childhood. This provides a tangible connection to history, allowing children to compare and contrast the toys of yesteryear with those they are familiar with today. Grandparents from diverse ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to participate, offering a broad perspective on the cultural variations in toys. Children are prompted to engage with this history by selecting a vintage toy they are drawn to and writing about it, fostering both historical understanding and literacy skills.

Moving beyond mere observation, the lesson delves into the impact of technology on toys, specifically before the widespread use of batteries. Through reading the book 'Unplugged' and examining their own battery-dependent toys, children contemplate the differences in play experiences between now and the pre-electronic era. This reflection extends to considering life without modern gadgets like iPads, providing insight into their grandparents' childhoods. The lesson also tackles the topic of gender-specific toys, questioning the necessity and impact of different toys for boys and girls. Through discussion and sorting activities, students explore gender roles and stereotypes in play, then and now, and the broader implications these have on societal expectations and occupations. This lesson, designed for small groups, promises focused and thought-provoking activities that blend historical exploration with critical thinking.