Sequence of learning - Toys - EYFS

Sequence of learning - Toys - EYFS
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The educational journey for Reception-aged children in understanding the evolution of toys begins with a look into the past. The curriculum, dedicated to 'Understanding of the World: History', prompts young learners to explore the transformation of toys through time. Engaging with this topic, children are encouraged to compare contemporary playthings with those from bygone eras. To support this learning, educators present children with a variety of resources such as historic images, stories, and tangible artefacts. These materials serve to highlight the differences and similarities between past and present-day toys, while also providing a broader context of historical settings, such as homes, schools, and transportation methods from the past.

As part of the proposed learning sequence, the classroom environment is enriched with thematic setups, such as a Victorian-style kitchen or a toy shop as it would have appeared in the era of the children's grandparents. This immersive approach allows children to appreciate historical changes through direct interaction with replicas and artefacts, fostering discussions about the absence of modern conveniences in the past. The educational goal is for children to not only recognise changes in toys but to also begin categorising historical objects by age and articulate reasons for their classifications. Key vocabulary such as 'past', 'long ago', and 'artefact' is introduced, enriching the children's lexicon and deepening their understanding of history. Through this exploration, Reception students will contemplate questions like the differences between boys' and girls' toys in the past, what toys were like before the invention of batteries, and broader societal changes that make them appreciate living in the present day.