Give me 5 - Events to do with the slave trade - Slavery - Year 5

Year 5
Give me 5 - Events to do with the slave trade - Slavery - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The "Give me five!" activity is an engaging classroom exercise aimed at Year 5 students to encourage them to recall and list five events associated with the slave trade. This task is designed to stimulate students' memory and understanding of historical events related to slavery. In this activity, students are awarded two points for each correct event they can identify, with a total time allocation of ten minutes to complete the challenge. The emphasis here is on the recall of knowledge rather than spelling accuracy, allowing children to focus on the content of their answers without the pressure of orthographical correctness.

Following the listing activity, the lesson plan prompts a discussion on the broader concept of slavery. This is an opportunity for educators to facilitate a deeper understanding of the term 'slavery' among students. The discussion will likely cover the historical context of the slave trade, the human experiences within it, and its lasting impact on societies. By engaging with this topic, children are encouraged to reflect on the significance of these events and develop a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. The activity concludes with a slide presentation titled "Give me five!" which serves as a visual aid to support the learning objectives of the session.