Know it! - Stone age - Year 3

Year 3
Know it! - Stone age - Year 3
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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Throughout the Stone Age to the end of the Iron Age, Britain underwent significant transformations. Educational activities for Year 3 students are designed to explore these changes in an engaging manner. One such activity involves a matching exercise where children associate images of archaeological sites and artefacts, such as Skara Brae, Stonehenge, and Iron Age hill forts, with their corresponding numbers. This reinforces their understanding of the chronological progression of these periods and the development of human civilisation in Britain. The activity is interactive, with points awarded for correct matches, encouraging students to recall and apply their knowledge.

Additional activities include a noughts and crosses game with questions about the periods, such as the order of the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods, the materials used for tools, and the locations of significant historical sites. True or false statements challenge students to discern facts from misconceptions, such as whether Stone Age people had to hunt for their food, the sequence of the Stone and Bronze Ages, and the discovery of iron ore. These exercises are designed not only to test students' recall but also to stimulate discussion and deepen their understanding of how life in Britain evolved from the early Stone Age, with its hunter-gatherers and simple stone tools, to the more advanced Iron Age, marked by the construction of hill forts and the use of iron for tools and weapons.