Know it! - Non-European Contrast - Year 2

Year 2
Know it! - Non-European Contrast - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

In an educational module aimed at Year 2 pupils, the topic of exploration is the differences between life in a European country and in Kenya, a non-European country. The module includes a variety of interactive activities designed to engage children in retrieving and applying knowledge about geography and culture. One activity challenges children to correctly place continents and oceans on a map, with points awarded for each correct answer, promoting an understanding of global geography. Another activity encourages children to think about and list five fruits that are grown in Kenya and five animals that inhabit the Masai Mara, further immersing them in the diversity of Kenyan ecosystems.

The module also prompts students to consider and articulate the main differences between life in a small town in England and a small town in Kenya, encouraging them to think critically about cultural and environmental contrasts. Additionally, a word sort activity has children working in pairs to determine which words are associated with Kenya and which are not, enhancing their vocabulary and knowledge of the country. This activity includes words such as mango, Masai Mara, Nairobi, and cheetah, which are related to Kenya, as opposed to words like New York and London, which are not. These varied tasks not only provide a broad learning experience but also foster a deeper understanding of the world beyond the children's immediate environment.