Show it! Group presentation - Non European contrast - Year 2

Year 2
Show it! Group presentation - Non European contrast - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

In a Year 2 classroom, after exploring the theme 'Non-European contrast' with a focus on Kenya, students are encouraged to showcase their learning through a group presentation. This activity not only helps consolidate their understanding of the differences between their own lives and those of children living in Kenya, but it also enhances their public speaking and presentation skills. The children are given the chance to present their findings towards the end of the learning segment, allowing them to reflect on and articulate the knowledge they have gained throughout the topic.

The presentation can take various forms, but one effective method is to create a PowerPoint slideshow that encapsulates the children's learning journey. This slideshow can include photographs taken during the learning process, which serve as visual prompts for the children to discuss each aspect of their learning. As they present each slide, they have the opportunity to talk about their experiences and insights, reinforcing their memory of the subject matter. This interactive and visual approach to learning not only makes the information more memorable but also provides a platform for children to develop their confidence and competence in presenting to an audience.