Link it! Prior knowledge - Non European contrast - Year 2

Year 2
Link it! Prior knowledge - Non European contrast - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In preparation for a unit on non-European contrast with a focus on Kenya, Year 2 students are encouraged to explore and record their existing knowledge about Africa and its diverse cultures. The children may already have some awareness of Africa, such as recognising certain wild animals that are native to the continent, which they might have learned about during their Early Years education. They may also be familiar with the concept of famine and how it is often associated with African nations. Additionally, exposure to traditional African dancing or singing could have provided them with a glimpse into the rich cultural expressions of the continent. This prior knowledge is valuable as it forms the foundation upon which new learning will be built.

The 'Link it!' activity serves to deepen the children's understanding by connecting what they already know to the new topic of how life in Kenya might differ from their own experiences. Students are prompted to reflect on their prior knowledge within the subject, make connections with other subjects, and draw from their personal experiences to enrich their learning. By doing so, they can create a more comprehensive picture of life in Kenya and appreciate the contrasts and similarities with their own lives in a meaningful way. This activity is designed to be an engaging and thought-provoking starting point for their journey into understanding geographical and cultural diversity.