Progression pedagogy - Non European contrast - Year 2

Year 2
Whole School
Progression pedagogy - Non European contrast - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The educational framework provided for Year 2 students aims to explore the question, "How different would my life be if I lived in Kenya?" This unit of learning is structured around a five-stage system designed to enhance pupils' knowledge retention and understanding. The stages are 'link it, learn it, check it, show it, and know it' (Make it Stick), which sequentially guide students before, during, and after the learning process. Focus Education (UK) Ltd has developed this progression pedagogy to create a cohesive learning journey for students, ensuring that each step builds upon the last and solidifies the information learned.

Initially, 'Before the learning,' students make connections with prior knowledge, setting the stage for new information. 'During the learning,' they engage with the content, exploring the differences between their lives and the lives of children in Kenya. 'At the end of the learning,' students assess their understanding through various checks. 'After the learning,' they are encouraged to demonstrate their newfound knowledge and reflect on it to ensure it sticks. This methodical approach, detailed on the Focus Learning Challenge website, is crafted to help pupils not only learn new facts but also to remember them more effectively, thereby enriching their educational experience and cultural awareness.