Autumn Term Grammar and Punctuation Progress Test Guidance

Year 4
Autumn Term Grammar and Punctuation Progress Test Guidance
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
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The KS2Gems2022 Autumn Term Grammar and Punctuation Progress Test Guidance provides a comprehensive structure for assessing Year 4 students' understanding of grammar and punctuation. The guidance pack includes detailed instructions for administering the tests, mark schemes, and an analysis grid to pinpoint learning gaps. Teachers are advised to schedule Progress Test 1 after completing Weeks 3 to 6 of the Grammar and Punctuation Programme, with a recommended review week built into the 12-week programme. Progress Test 2 should follow after Weeks 8 to 11, with similar flexibility for review time. The domains tested range from identifying pronouns and plurals to recognising fronted adverbials and correct punctuation use.

Administering the test involves clear instructions to students, ensuring they understand the process and rules, such as working independently and how to change an answer. The test is designed to take 15 minutes. Marking the test requires attention to specific guidelines, accepting any clear indication of the correct answer but not accepting answers that do not meet the criteria set out in the mark schemes. The mark schemes provide clarity on what is considered a correct answer for various question types, including tick boxes, circling answers, and inserting punctuation. The guidance emphasises the importance of consistency in marking, particularly when it comes to additional punctuation, spelling, and handwriting, to ensure fair assessment of each student's work.