Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 7 - Reading Comprehension

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 7 - Reading Comprehension
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Chapter 7 of "Kensuke's Kingdom," Michael is momentarily tricked into thinking he's at home upon waking due to a sense of familiarity and comfort. He regards Kensuke as his saviour because Kensuke provides him with sustenance and protection on the island. The source of Kensuke's tools and large wooden boxes remains a mystery, sparking curiosity. Michael is deeply touched and feels 'honoured' when Kensuke shares his personal art with him, a gesture that signifies trust and friendship. Communication between the two is a challenge, but they manage to bridge the language gap through gestures and drawings.

Kensuke imparts his painting skills to Michael, an act that serves both as a pastime and a means of strengthening their bond. Michael discerns that Tomodachi is Kensuke's favoured orang-utan through observations of their unique interaction. Kensuke's request for Michael to recount his story is a way of deepening their connection, showing a desire to understand and empathise with Michael's journey. The joy Michael experiences upon being reunited with his football is profound, symbolising a link to his past life and cherished memories. The chapter encapsulates themes of survival, companionship, and the forging of an unlikely friendship amidst isolation.