Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 7 - Reading Comprehension answers

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 7 - Reading Comprehension answers
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Chapter 7 of "Kensuke's Kingdom," Michael momentarily believes he is at home due to the familiar smell of vinegar, reminiscent of fish and chips. He regards Kensuke as his saviour after being rescued from a jellyfish sting and cared for during his recovery. Kensuke's tools and wooden boxes, sources of which are varied and include shipwrecks, reveal his resourcefulness. Michael is touched and feels honoured when Kensuke shares his personal paintings with him, a sign of trust and friendship. Communication between the two is non-verbal, consisting of smiles, nods, and gestures.

Kensuke imparts his painting skills to Michael as a way to connect and share experiences. Michael recognises Tomodachi as Kensuke's favoured orang-utan by observing Kensuke's grooming of her. Kensuke's request for Michael's story signifies a desire to deepen their understanding of one another. The chapter also captures a poignant moment when Michael is unexpectedly reunited with his football, a link to his past and a symbol of hope. This chapter deepens the bond between the characters, highlighting themes of trust, communication, and the importance of personal connections.