Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 7 - Worksheet

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 7 - Worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

English Resource Description

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In Chapter 7 of "Kensuke's Kingdom," students are encouraged to delve deeply into the narrative through a series of discussion questions. They are prompted to consider Michael's experiences, his first impressions of Kensuke's cave, his feelings towards his parents after some time on the island, and his emotional response to being reunited with his beloved football. These questions aim to engage students in reflective and inferential thinking, drawing on their understanding of the text and the characters' motivations and emotions.

The worksheet also offers a variety of reading and writing activities to enhance comprehension and literacy skills. Students continue to track the key events in the story with a timeline, compare the caves of Michael and Kensuke, and engage in drama exercises to explore Kensuke's character and his decisions. Grammar and punctuation tasks focus on specific elements such as brackets for parenthesis, expanded noun phrases, and adverbs. Additionally, a 'Words to Workshop' section provides a rich vocabulary list for students to learn and incorporate into their writing. Writing opportunities include creating diary entries, instructions for making painting equipment, and persuasive adverts for the caves. The chapter also presents cross-curricular links, integrating subjects like science, computing, history, and geography, as well as art, design and technology, music, physical education, religious education, and personal, social, health, and economic education, providing a comprehensive educational experience.