Spelling - ear

Year 1
Spelling - ear
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The educational resource provided is a comprehensive set of slides designed to teach children about the 'ear' sound, which can be pronounced as 'air' in words like 'pear' and 'wear'. The yellow slides are intended for interactive display on a whiteboard, while the white slides serve as printable activities that can be utilised when exercise books are not available. These slides complement the 'ear for pear' PowerPoint presentation. The lesson plan involves various activities such as identifying the 'ear' sound in different words, sounding out and blending words like 'tear', 'year', 'beard', and 'ear', and reinforcing the learning through picture-word associations and reading exercises.

Children are encouraged to explore the 'ear' sound further by adding sound buttons to words, indicating if a single letter or a group of letters produces a single sound. They engage in activities where they make new words using given letters, label pictures, and find hidden words in a grid. The lesson plan also includes dictation exercises where children fill in missing words in sentences and a 'Spell check' section where they practice spelling words containing the 'ear' sound. Fun games like the 'Caterpillar game' and 'Bingo' are integrated to make learning more interactive. Additional materials like flashcards and challenge cards are available to extend the learning and address various proficiency levels among students.