Spelling - oi

Year 1
Spelling - oi
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

In a comprehensive set of educational slides, students are invited to explore the phonetic sounds 'oi' and 'ai', with a focus on the rule that these digraphs are almost never used at the end of English words. The slides provide a visual and interactive way to reinforce this phonics rule. Yellow slides are designed for display on the whiteboard, while white slides contain printable activities that can be used if exercise books are not available. The lesson begins with discussing images of objects like coins and points, which all contain the 'oi' sound. Students are encouraged to sound out the words to identify the common sound, and the teacher guides them in blending and saying each word out loud.

Further activities include identifying the two letters that make up the 'oi' sound and applying sound buttons, dots, and dashes to words to visualise their phonetic components. These activities are designed to help students understand how single and combined letters represent different sounds. Interactive exercises such as word searches and labelling pictures are also included to engage students in identifying the 'oi' sound within different contexts. Additionally, there are spelling challenges and games like 'Caterpillar game' and 'Bingo', which are intended to make learning fun and collaborative. The slides also incorporate differentiated activities and flashcards, catering to various learning needs and reinforcing the spelling and recognition of words with the 'oi' sound.