Assessment - How can I make things move? - EYFS

Assessment - How can I make things move? - EYFS
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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During an assessment for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) students on the topic of motion, practitioners are tasked with observing and identifying key learning outcomes related to the children's understanding of movement and mechanics. The assessment criteria focus on whether the children have begun to grasp the reasons behind why things happen and how they work. Practitioners should look for signs that children are familiar with the concept of a magnet and can identify materials that are magnetic, understanding the distinction between those that are attracted to magnets and those that are not.

Additionally, the assessment should determine if the children have knowledge of material properties, such as the ability of some materials to stretch or bend. Understanding how objects move on water is another important learning outcome, as is recognizing how vehicles with wheels operate. It is also crucial for children to be aware that the movement of vehicles can vary depending on the type of surface they are on. These observations will help practitioners gauge the level of comprehension the children have about the basic principles of motion and the properties of materials in their environment.