Word sorts - Classifying living things

Year 6
Word sorts - Classifying living things
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

Word sorts are an engaging classroom activity designed to help students explore the concept of classifying living things. Pairs of students are tasked with examining a list of twelve words and determining which six are related to the theme of grouping and classification, while identifying the remaining six that are not. This activity not only encourages collaboration and discussion but also sharpens students' understanding of biological terminology. To add a competitive edge, each correct identification is rewarded with a point, and participants are given 10 minutes to complete the task. They are instructed to physically mark their choices by circling the words they believe are associated with grouping and classification.

The list of words provided for the activity includes a mix of terms, some that are directly related to the classification of living organisms—like 'mollusc', 'vertebrate', 'protista', 'fungi', 'amphibian', and potentially 'skull' as it relates to skeletal structures within classification—and others that are not, such as 'rocks', 'evaporate', 'separate', 'chamber', 'soluble', and 'mould'. Through this exercise, students engage with the foundational principles of taxonomy, the scientific method of categorising living things based on shared characteristics, which is a critical component of biology and understanding the diversity of life on Earth.