Properties and Changes of Materials - Risk Assessments

Science Resource Description
The Primary Science Advisory Service (PZAZ) provides a comprehensive risk assessment for Year 5 teachers preparing lessons on the properties and changes of materials. It is recommended that educators consult the CLEAPSS or SSERC websites for detailed health and safety guidance related to practical activities involving children and the handling of potentially hazardous substances. PZAZ's risk assessment outlines the potential hazards that could arise during the lessons, such as burns from tealights, battery overheating, skin and eye irritation from chemicals, slip hazards from spills, scalds from hot water, allergic reactions from foods, and cuts from broken glass. The risk level for these lessons has been evaluated as low.
To mitigate these hazards, several controls are advised. These include having pupils with long hair tie it back, avoiding leaning over tealights, standing up during experiments, allowing hot equipment to cool, and adult supervision when using a BBQ lighter. Safety goggles and, if necessary, medical gloves should be worn. Spills should be cleaned immediately, and hands should be washed after handling certain materials. Pupils should maintain a safe distance from hot water, and those with food allergies should be excused from relevant activities. Glass slides must be checked before use, and any defective ones discarded. It is also important to ensure proper disposal of chemicals and biological matter. Citric acid, bicarbonate of soda, and vinegar are the chemicals used in the lessons, and their Safety Data Sheets (SDS) should be attached to the risk assessment document.