Dissolving, Mixtures and Changes of State - Objectives Labels

Year 5
Dissolving, Mixtures and Changes of State - Objectives Labels
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In Lesson 5.8, titled "Dissolving, Mixtures and Changes of State," students will delve into the science behind how substances interact and transform. The lesson's objectives are twofold: firstly, to demonstrate that processes such as dissolving, mixing, and changing state (from solid to liquid or gas and vice versa) are reversible, and secondly, to develop the skill of categorising everyday materials based on their physical properties. These properties include hardness, solubility, transparency, and conductivity—both electrical and thermal—as well as how materials react to magnets. Through hands-on exploration and observation, students will gain a practical understanding of these scientific concepts.

To assess their comprehension, students will be prompted to answer key questions at the end of the lesson. They will need to identify the components that make up a solution and recognise a solution as a specific type of mixture. Additionally, students will be expected to articulate the process of dissolving and describe how changes of state can be reversed. This reflective approach ensures that students not only engage with the material during the lesson but also consolidate their knowledge by articulating their understanding of these fundamental scientific processes.