Hardness - Results Tables

Year 5
Hardness - Results Tables
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The classification of materials based on their hardness is a fundamental aspect of material science. Various everyday items are listed alongside their typical uses and properties, with a particular focus on their hardness. Items such as a metal can, plastic bottle, glass window, brick wall, metal paper clip, wooden pencil, and rubber elastic band are all evaluated for this characteristic. The list also includes a rock, which is noted as having no particular use in this context, and a plastic carrier bag. Each material's hardness is measured against common reference points like a fingernail, glass, coin, and paperclip to establish a rank of hardness, providing a comparative understanding of how resistant to scratching or denting each material is.

In addition to the classification of individual materials, the text explores the properties of alloys and how the addition of various substances can alter the characteristics of a base material like plasticine. The additives, measured in teaspoons, include salt, sand, and flour, and their impact on the plasticine's properties is observed and recorded. This examination helps to illustrate the concept that the hardness of a material can be adjusted and controlled through the addition of other elements, which is a critical concept in materials engineering and the development of new materials for specific applications.