Darkness, Sunlight and Reflection - Objectives Labels

Year 3
Darkness, Sunlight and Reflection - Objectives Labels
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In Lesson 3.11 titled 'Darkness, Sunlight and Reflection', students will delve into the properties of light and its absence. The lesson's objectives are to help students recognise the necessity of light for vision, with darkness being identified as the absence of light. They will explore how light reflects off surfaces and understand that sunlight can pose a danger to our eyes, learning the importance of eye protection. The educational journey is mapped out with clear goals, ensuring that by the end of the lesson, students will be able to articulate these fundamental concepts about light and darkness.

To gauge their understanding, students will be prompted with specific questions. They will be asked to confirm if they can articulate that darkness is merely a lack of light, and if they understand that light reflects off objects, with opaque materials being particularly effective reflectors. Additionally, the lesson aims to equip students with the knowledge to explain the potential hazards of sunlight to our eyes and the measures we can take to safeguard our vision. These questions serve as checkpoints to ensure the students have absorbed the key takeaways from the lesson on the interplay between darkness, sunlight, and reflection.