Darkness, Sunlight and Reflection - Teacher Explanation

Year 3
Pzaz Online
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Welcome to Lesson 3.11, 'Darkness, Sunlight and Reflection', a part of the Year 3 Light unit. This session is designed to help pupils fulfil the national curriculum requirements related to light. They will explore the concept that light is necessary for vision and that darkness signifies the absence of light. The lesson also introduces the idea that light reflects off surfaces and emphasises the importance of protecting one's eyes from the sun's harmful rays. Safety is paramount during this lesson, and pupils are cautioned against shining light sources directly at people or looking into them. They will also be reminded to handle materials carefully, ensuring that none are damaged or pose a risk.

The lesson kicks off with a whole class demonstration to investigate darkness using a light meter app or an actual light meter set to minimum, along with a blackout cloth. Pupils will observe the difference in light levels with the lights on and off, and under the blackout cloth, to understand that darkness is simply the absence of light. An experiment on the reflection of light involves using protractors, sticky tape, mirrors, a small figure, and drawing materials to observe the number of reflections seen at different angles. This hands-on activity will illustrate how light reflects from non-luminous objects, allowing us to see them. The lesson concludes with a scientific exploration of the law of reflection, using a laser pen, mirror, and protractor to demonstrate that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. Through these engaging activities, pupils will not only learn about light and reflection but will also connect these concepts to real-world applications such as road safety.