The Solar System - Self Assessment

Year 5
The Solar System - Self Assessment
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This self-assessment tool is designed for learners to reflect on their understanding of the solar system. It prompts them to consider if they can accurately sort the planets in order of their distance from the Sun, which is a fundamental aspect of astronomy. Additionally, students are encouraged to think about their ability to classify the planets into two main categories: rocky planets, like Earth and Mars, and gas giants, such as Jupiter and Saturn. This classification is based on the composition and physical characteristics of the planets.

Another key concept for students to assess is their comprehension of the planets' orbits. They are asked to reflect on whether they can describe these orbits as elliptical, which is the shape they typically follow around the Sun, rather than being perfectly circular. This self-evaluation tool not only aids in reinforcing students' knowledge but also allows teachers to gauge the effectiveness of their instruction and the areas where students may need further clarification or teaching.