The Solar System - Objectives Labels

Year 5
The Solar System - Objectives Labels
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In Lesson 5.14 focusing on The Solar System, students are set to explore the dynamic nature of our cosmic neighbourhood. The objectives for the day involve describing the movement of Earth and the other planets as they orbit around the Sun. Students will also learn to characterise the Sun, Earth, and Moon as approximately spherical bodies, providing them with a more accurate understanding of these celestial objects. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to articulate these concepts clearly and demonstrate their understanding of the solar system's structure.

To assess their grasp of the material, students will be asked to engage with several key questions. They will sort the planets according to their distance from the Sun, which will help them visualise the solar system's layout. Additionally, they will classify planets based on their composition, distinguishing between rocky planets and gas giants. Finally, they will describe the elliptical nature of planetary orbits, moving beyond the common misconception of perfectly circular paths. Successfully answering these questions will indicate that the students have internalised the lesson's key points about the solar system's mechanics and structure.