Cricket - Lesson 1

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 3
Cricket - Lesson 1
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In the initial lesson of a cricket series for Year 3 pupils, the focus is on mastering the skill of underarm bowling. The objectives are clearly outlined, with success criteria that include being able to bowl a ball underarm, holding the ball correctly, and aiming at a target. Key vocabulary such as 'cricket', 'bowl', 'ball', 'underarm', and 'overarm' is introduced to familiarise students with the terminology. The equipment required for the lesson is simple, consisting of balls and cones. The warm-up activity, known as 'The Ball Train', involves organising the children into teams where they pass a ball quickly along a line, running to the end of the queue after each pass to extend the 'train track'. This is designed to improve their catching and throwing skills, with extensions to the activity such as adding more balls and varying the catching technique to increase the challenge.

The main part of the lesson spans 30 minutes and gives each pupil a tennis ball to practice underarm bowling. They learn to take a step with the opposite foot to their throwing hand and aim for accuracy by bowling towards a target and through cones, with a scoring system to make it competitive. The lesson also incorporates a game called 'Continuous Cricket', which involves the batter attempting to catch the ball and throw it out into the field, running around a cone and back to the wicket before the next bowl. Extensions to the game include batting and aiming for specific targets as dictated by the opposing team. Throughout the lesson, pupils are encouraged to discuss and reflect on their techniques, such as the best way to hold the ball, which foot to step with, and where to focus when aiming at a target. The cool-down activity is a relaxed session of throwing and catching the ball at different heights and speeds, along with creative ball exercises involving the body to wind down from the lesson.