Max Maths, Year 5, Try it, Multiplying by a 2-digit number (2)

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Try it, Multiplying by a 2-digit number (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
AI generated

In a mathematics exercise designed for Year 5 students, learners are tasked with understanding and applying their skills in multiplication to figure out the total number of pages in multiple notepads. The problem presents a scenario where a single notepad contains 64 pages, and the students are required to calculate the total number of pages across 32 notepads. To solve this, they must multiply the two numbers together.

The exercise encourages students to begin by estimating the answer before performing the actual calculation. This helps to develop their numerical reasoning and approximation skills. After making an estimate, they are instructed to use the column method, a standard technique for multiplying larger numbers. The exercise involves setting out the numbers in a column format, multiplying, and then adding any carried numbers to find the final product. Once the calculation is complete, students compare their result to the initial estimate to determine if it is more or less than what they had anticipated. This step reinforces the importance of estimation as a useful tool for checking the accuracy of their work.