Max Maths, Year 5, Try it, Multiplying by a 2-digit number (1)

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Try it, Multiplying by a 2-digit number (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 5 maths exercise, students are challenged to calculate the total mass of a block of chocolate that has been divided into smaller pieces. Each piece has a known weight of 28 grams, and the task is to find the combined weight of the entire block. The lesson encourages students to begin with an estimate, teaching them the importance of approximation as a mathematical skill. Once an estimate is made, the lesson moves on to finding the actual total mass.

The exercise guides students through the process of multiplication using a structured approach. It involves setting up a table to multiply rows and columns, which helps in visualising the multiplication process of a 2-digit number. After calculating the individual products, students are then instructed to add these results together to find the final weight of the chocolate block in grams. This method reinforces the concept of multiplication as repeated addition. The activity concludes with a comparison between the estimated and actual results, prompting students to reflect on the accuracy of their initial guess and understand the relationship between estimation and actual calculation. Additionally, students are encouraged to apply the column method to solve the problem, further strengthening their multiplication skills.