Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Multiplying by a 2-digit number

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Multiplying by a 2-digit number
Max Maths
Max Maths
AI generated

In the Max Maths Year 5 practice session, students are encouraged to strengthen their multiplication skills by working with 2-digit numbers. The task is to complete a series of calculations using both estimation and the column method, which promotes a deeper understanding of the multiplication process and the ability to cross-check results. For instance, students are asked to multiply numbers such as 33 by 22, 18 by 19, and so on, through a range of combinations that challenge them to apply their numerical skills in different scenarios.

The practice also includes a real-life application question where students calculate the total amount of sugar in multiple glasses of cranberry juice. If one glass contains 33 grams of sugar, they must determine the sugar content in 25 glasses. This question not only reinforces their multiplication skills but also demonstrates the practical use of maths in everyday situations. The workbook offers additional exercises on pages 85 to 89, where students can find further examples and explanations. Through these exercises, students discover that there are various strategies to find the product of two numbers, enhancing their mathematical toolkit.