Max Maths, Year 5, Work Book, Number patterns

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Work Book, Number patterns
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 5 Workbook, Practice 5 focuses on recognising and completing number patterns. Students are tasked with identifying the steps in various sequences and then continuing the patterns accordingly. For instance, in question 1(a), they are presented with a descending sequence starting at 35 and decreasing by 5 each time, with the challenge to fill in the missing numbers and state the common step. In 1(b), the pattern is a consistent decrease of 1,000, starting from 45,320. The exercise tests the student's ability to identify and apply the rule to complete the sequence.

Further complexity is introduced with patterns involving negative numbers. In question 1(c), students must recognise an ascending pattern with a step of 2, beginning at -23. Conversely, in 1(d), the pattern requires students to ascertain the common difference, which is not immediately obvious. Question 1(e) presents a descending pattern with large steps of 2,000, starting from 1,823 and dipping into negative values. Lastly, 1(f) involves an increasing pattern with steps of 25, beginning at -100. The second task, question 2, challenges students to identify and cross out numbers that do not fit the established patterns, further honing their analytical skills with sequences of both positive and negative integers as well as large numbers.