Max Maths, Year 5, Work Book, Comparing and ordering numbers within 1000000

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Work Book, Comparing and ordering numbers within 1000000
Max Maths
Max Maths
AI generated

In the 'Max Maths' workbook for Year 5, students are presented with exercises to sharpen their skills in comparing and ordering numbers up to one million. Practice 2 focuses on understanding the value of digits in different place positions. For instance, Table A and Table B each display a set of digits across various place values such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, and hundred thousands. Students are tasked with identifying the complete number represented by each table. The exercises then guide students to compare the two numbers, asking which table contains more hundred thousands or ten thousands, and ultimately which represents the greater number overall.

Further exercises delve deeper into place value comprehension. Students are given a place-value chart with two numbers and asked to determine which has the greater or smaller number of hundred thousands. They are then required to arrange the numbers from smallest to greatest and vice versa, using the correct comparison symbols. Additional tasks involve creating six-digit numbers from a given set of digits and ordering these numbers. The workbook also includes a problem-solving section where students compare sets of numbers to determine the greatest one, reinforcing the concept of ordering and comparing large numbers. These exercises not only test the students' understanding of place value but also enhance their ability to perform critical mathematical operations involving large numbers.