Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Comparing and ordering numbers within 1000000

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Comparing and ordering numbers within 1000000
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the 'Max Maths' practice exercises for Year 5, students are given the opportunity to compare and order numbers up to one million. The first task requires students to insert the symbols for 'less than' (<) or 'greater than' (>) between pairs of numbers to indicate which number is larger. For example, they must determine whether 148,721 is less than or greater than 178,021, and similarly compare 67,490 with 220,393, and 945,207 with 945,308.

The second task focuses on a set of larger numbers: 518,383, 272,543, 327,604, 886,404, and 606,383. Students must analyze these numbers to identify the greatest and the smallest ones. Following this, they are asked to arrange the numbers in descending order, from the greatest to the smallest, and then in ascending order, from the smallest to the greatest. This exercise is designed to enhance their understanding of numerical value and place value within larger numbers. The workbook provides additional pages for further practice and reinforcement of these concepts.