Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Reading and making tables (2)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Reading and making tables (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In an educational activity designed for Year 4 students, Toby, a character who enjoys various sports, has counted the sports balls in his bedroom and created a table to display the quantities. By examining Toby's table, we can make several observations about his collection. The table reveals that Toby has the highest number of tennis balls, totalling eight, which suggests that tennis might be a favoured sport or that tennis balls are more frequently used or collected. Conversely, footballs are the least represented in his collection, with only two. Additionally, the table indicates that there is a parity in the number of basketballs and baseballs, each with a count of three, indicating an equal interest or availability of these two types of balls in Toby's bedroom.

Similarly, Samir conducted a survey among his classmates to discover their favourite fruits and presented the findings in a table format. The table uses tally marks to represent the number of learners who prefer each type of fruit, with one tally mark equalling one person. This visual representation with tally marks simplifies the process of counting and interpreting the data. The table includes various fruits such as bananas, pineapples, oranges, apples, and mangoes, with the tally marks indicating the popularity of each fruit among Samir's classmates. By using tally marks and converting them into numerical data, students can easily compare the quantities and draw conclusions about fruit preferences within the group.